Are We Having Fun Yet?

Sometimes it's good to have a casual day, you know? For that matter, it doesn't hurt to even take a day off once in a while.

I work really hard at building my business and keeping it in order. Honestly, I almost never take a day entirely off.

But you know what? I don't mind (most of the time) because I love what I do (again, most of the time).

Sure, any form of work gets redundant at times or gives a sense of monotony. That's to be expected.

I just couldn't imagine choosing a business that I didn't really like. The world is full of J-O-Bs that are just a total disappointment. Trust me; I've had lots of them over the years. But it makes no sense to me at all to invest my time and money building an enterprise unless it's something that I truly, totally, and completely want to do.

Maybe you still have a part-time or full-time job, and are just working your business on the side for now. If so, I commend you for having the dedication to come home after a full day and take care of business.

The BIG question here, is do you like all of this internet marketing stuff? Are you having any fun with this whole thing?

This might sound silly. But in reality it's one of the most important things you can ask yourself.

Why? Because this business requires you to work HARD!
Internet marketing is a really lousy way to make quick cash. It just doesn't happen like that. Most people see a profit only after a tremendous amount of hard work and a lot of time and money invested.

But the workload is more than worth it to those of us who love this business.

Naturally I wouldn't sit at my PC for 8 to 10 hours each day if I weren't making a living from this, but I'd probably do it for at least a couple of hours even if I weren't earning a dime (I have done for nothing as well). It's weird I know, but what can I say? I really, really like doing this stuff.

If you don't derive at least some pleasure form the day-to-day activities that are involved in building and running your net marketing business, let me offer you a most profound piece of advice.


I'm serious. There are easier ways to make a buck.


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