A Formal Education Does Not Mean Monetary Success
Peace and blessings! People have a lot to say about racism - which is a social construct that supposedly began in the 14th century. See http://www.isreview.org/issues/26/roots_of_racism.shtml and http://theredcard.ie/racism-a-brief-history/... But, what about class-ism? http://www.classism.org/about-class/ and http://www.ascd.org/publications/educational-leadership/apr08/vol65/num07/The-Myth-of-the-Culture-of-Poverty.aspx. Classism is also a social construct! I don't know how many times I have told someone that they can do something because another man did it (it has been done before - there is a precedent... This makes doing it repeatedly much more likely unless factors change. And those who are the most influential make sure that factors change) and they immediately think of their social or economic disposition. I have been guilty of this a number of times myself - so, don't get me wrong. We have to remind ourselves and each other because of the rigorous and aggressive p...